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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Response Paper 10

Paper 10

Q Response Paper #10 • Points 10 • Submitting a file upload Read bell hooks' essay "Keeping Close to Home" (Links to an external site.) bell hooks was a feminist scholar who discusses race, socioeconomic class and gender in her writing. She wrote her name in all lower-case letters to show her respect to her great grandmother who she named herself after. In a one page response, explain how socioeconomic class and race affected hooks in her Stanford education.

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American author, professor, and social critique, Gloria Jean Watkins, better known by her pen name Bell Hooks is one of the authors, who has inspired millions of women and people of color to face the world with their feet deeply grounded in their past, their origin and culture to which they belong. In her essay, Keeping Close To Home: Class And Education, Hooks talks about keeping one’s family and community closer as one pursues higher education. Coming from a working-class African American family, Hooks talks about her educational journey from the small quiet town of Kentucky to attendingcollege at Stanford University.